Mrs. McGilvray's Class

Just another Blogs site

Week 1

on August 22, 2018

We are still working on our campus and classroom procedures this week. On Monday we discussed how we wanted to be treated, and talked about how we should treat others as well. I was so proud many of your children knew about the Golden Rule. Rule #1 in our classroom is treat others with respect. We read Chrysanthemum and did a kind words experiment. We spoke kindly to the apple on the left, and then spoke rudely, modeling what we should not say to friends, to the apple on the right. We then cut the apples open and discovered that words can really hurt on the inside. Check out that yucky apple that didn’t get much love below (right).


We’ve also been exploring our math tools during the afternoon. We came up with out own definition for math tools: Anything that can help you find the right answer, except your friend. I have some quite humorous friends this year. I’m adoring their sweet and funny personalities! We also watched a subitizing math video earlier in the week. Feel free to check it out here ( This is a great way to get your student practicing their automaticity skills.



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