School Cancled
This is for Thursday, December 14 and Friday, December 15. There will be no school affiliated activities on these days. This includes no Boys and Girls Club. Classes will resume on Monday, December 18.
Please check our class blog for any additional updates.
The Christmas program will be reschedule for Tuesday, December 19 for a one time performance at 8:45. This is for parents and the first graders.
More Gingerbread Fun
We are continuing our Jan Brett author study. We retold the story of The Gingerbread Baby, and even looked at a gingerbread play-dough recipe! The author who wrote the recipe was trying to teach us how to make the play-dough we decided…. that goes along with our author’s purpose study. I was impressed the students were able to use 1/2 and 1/4 cup measuring cups to figure out how many scoops would equal a hole cup, etc. Afterwards, we wrote down the recipe so students could make another batch at home! This was so much fun!!
A Gingerbread Day
Today we read Jan Brett’s The Gingerbread Baby. We stopped along the way and predicted what would come next in the story. I reminded students that entertainment stories are fiction, so some of the responses got pretty silly which made for great laughs. The students enjoyed writing their predictions on their desks and leaving journals tucked away.
We wanted to be just like the character, Mattie, and make a gingerbread house, so… WE DID!! The kids went nuts and were thrilled to take part in this. We will recap the making of our gingerbread houses tomorrow and write an informative article on how someone could make their own based on our steps.
Button Graphing
We kicked off our graphing this week with a collection of buttons and a story called The Button Box. While reading, we learned that there are many different kinds of buttons. The students were able to explore a wide variety of them, and then graph data based on a handful of buttons they were given. Who knew buttons could be so much fun?
Battle for Brock
Thank you to everyone who wore blue on Friday to show our support for Brock’s battle with childhood cancer.
A Seussical Christmas Performance
Our Christmas Performance will be on Thursday, December 14th. Your student brought home this note a few weeks ago, but I’m reposting it as a reminder. The students and Mrs. Ritchie have worked so hard in preparation for this. You won’t want to miss the 6:00 pm parent performance!