Mrs. McGilvray's Class

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Halloween Costumes & Treats

Reminder: You student is allowed to wear dress code appropriate costumes for Halloween tomorrow. Please keep in mind there is to be no face paint, no props (including masks), no hair dye, and nothing scary.

Huge thank you to those families who provided an item for our Halloween snack. This is a fun way of enjoy the holiday since we are not having a party. I appreciate your help!

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Week of October 30

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Haunted House for Sale Competition

Our students have been working on incorporating adjectives in their writing. For some Halloween fun, we wrote a real estate listing for a haunted house. The goal was to write a descriptive enough listing that Eddie Munster would want to purchase their haunted house over another home. Local real estate agent, Jessica Holmes, with Mobbs Real Estate Group, judged each of the student’s finished listings and chose 3 winners. Check out the Facebook video below to see who the winner was, and to hear the winning listing being read.

Feel free to click the Facebook icon in the bottom right hand corner and leave a comment on the Facebook video. Our class is keeping track of comments, likes, and views.

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Red Ribbon Week, Oct 23-27

Monday- Wear Red 

Tuesday- Pajama Day (must follow dress code)

Wednesday- Sports or College Shirt with Crazy Socks

Thursday- Super Hero Day (must follow dress code)

Friday- Wear Neon Colors


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Christopher Columbus (Chatter Pix)

If your student came home raving about our Chatter Pix project, then you’re probably wanting to know more. We spent a week researching Christopher Columbus and the details of his voyage to America. Your student had 30 seconds to be Christopher Columbus and explain some of their reserach findings. Chatter Pix offered a fun little twist. View my You Tube channel by clicking the link below. Find the Christopher Columbus video that begins with your child’s initials, and you’ll be good to go!


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October 16-20

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Our Kids are Famous!

We started our readers theater station a few weeks ago. My favorite thing about this station (and the kids too!) is they become famous movie stars. They are allowed to practice reading with a partner of choice, and then video themselves presenting it. With this activity, we are working on our reading fluency, expression, and reading where our conversation sounds very natural. I’m so impressed with their videography skills– they set up the camera, check for angles, sound, etc. I’m also blow away by their acting skills! Some of our classmates are going to win an Academy Award one day. Check out their work below.




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This Stuff MATTERS

We recently wrapped up our science study on matter. We discussed what matter is as well as the 3 states of matter, but the play part… I mean interesting investigation portion… came when we discussed how matter cane change from one state to another. Check out the picture of our ice melting contest. Students had to brainstorm all the different ways they could melt ice and determine which ways would work within the 4 walls of our classroom. I must say, that got pretty creative!

Fun Friday rolled around and we had one more exciting surprise to help solid, liquid, and gas stick with us. A root beer float party!! The root beer’s fizz was the gas, the ice cream was the solid, and the root beer itself was the liquid. We took our science treat outside to avoid a mess, and to our surprise, the Kindergartners were outside. They asked our big kids what they had and why. My heart was so happy when my 2nd graders explained it perfectly. Check out the videos to see my girls explaining their “big kid stuff” to a younger friends. I wish I could have caught more of them explaining.

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Week of October 9

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